Host Nation Orientation
Get to know your new home in Germany

Go Blue Day for Child Abuse Prevention Month
Wear your best blue clothes

Mini Job Fair
Here's a one-stop shop for job assistance and employment opportunities

Stress Management Class
Learn how to better cope with the pressures of work and daily life

Dad Talk
Get together to share, learn and laugh with each other

Hearts Apart
Make connections with other spouses

Treffpunkt - Foreign Born Spouse Meeting
Make friends and get to know your community

Spouse Sponsorship Training for Units, Agencies and Organizations
Help your unit better support all of its members

Spouse Orientation
Now includes a free walking tour of downtown Wiesbaden

Couples Communication
With the Family Advocacy Program

Positive Parenting
Learn how to enhance you and your child's well-being
Apr 22 12 pm - 1 pmPositive Parenting
Learn how to enhance you and your child's well-being
Apr 22 12 pm - 1 pm

Lunchtime Series
Join the Employment Readiness Program for job training classes

Mini Job Fair
Here's a one-stop shop for job assistance and employment opportunities