- Virtual Training and Resources
Follow the links below to find trainings, classes and resources from various ACS programs.
Army Family Team Building: AFTB Trainings
Volunteer Program: VMIS Tutorial
Exceptional Family Member Program: EFMP Application Training, EFMP Courses
Family Advocacy Program: Class Registration
Financial Readiness Program: Financial Frontline
Mobilization and Deployment: Deployment Resources, SFRG Resources
Army Family Action Plan: AFAP Tutorials
- Discover Army Community Service Guide
Army Community Service is a primary resource agency that delivers services tailored to the needs of the extended U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden community. Our goal is to maintain community readiness and resiliency through our wide range of proactive educational opportunities, as well as individualized counseling and coaching services. See the Discover Army Community Service Guide for more information.
- Wiesbaden Mental Health Resources
CLICK HERE to download.
- Army in Europe Child and Youth Supervision Policy
This is the Army Europe Child Supervision Policy (AR 608-18-1)
- Conference Rooms and Meeting Spaces
For more information on available spaces, please visit or call ACS.
- Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there individual and/or group counseling available? Answer: Counseling is available through the Military Family Life Counselors. Please call ACS for additional information.
2. What is the phone number for ACS? Answer: The ACS phone number is civ (0611) 143-548-9201.
3. What is an email address I can use to contact someone from ACS? Answer: usarmy.wiesbaden.imcom-europe.mbx.mwr-acs@mail.mil
4. What are the signs of child abuse and neglect? Answer: The ACS Family Advocacy Program provides classes on identifying the signs of child abuse and neglect. The presence of a single sign does not mean that child maltreatment is occurring. Please contact the ACS FAP staff to schedule a training or for additional information.
5. What are the signs of domestic abuse? Answer: There are many signs of an abusive relationship. The most telling sign is fear of your partner. If you feel like you have to constantly watch what you say and do in order to avoid a blow-up incident, chances are your relationship is unhealthy and abusive. You may be in an abusive relationship if your partner belittles you, controls you. The ACS Family Advocacy Program (FAP) provides support to victims of domestic violence. Domestic abuse victim services available 24/7 for access to emergency assistance, information, referrals and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal and law enforcement services. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence please call our Hotline at civ (0162) 297-5625.
6. Do I have to enroll my family member in the Exceptional Family Member Program? Answer: Active Duty Army Soldiers with exceptional Family members (children and adults) are required to enroll in the EFMP.
7. What jobs are available? Answer: The ACS Employment Readiness Program Manager provides clients employment assistance. The ERPM also sends out weekly emails with available jobs, which are also listed on the home page of our website, as well as on our Facebook page at Facebook.com/WiesbadenFMWR. Schedule a time to meet with the ERPM and provide an email address to receive job listings.
8. What classes are available? Answer: ACS has a number of classes available in multiple subject areas. A monthly newsletter is available for your planning convenience. Please contact or visit ACS for a copy.
9. Are there Alcoholics Anonymous classes? Answer: ACS does not offer AA classes.
10. What kinds of supports are available? Answer: Army Community Service – Real-Life Solutions for Successful Army Living. ACS is your one-stop-shop for all your social service needs. ACS core services available include:
Volunteer Programs:
- Army Family Action Plan Program
- Army Volunteer Corps Coordinator
Mobilization and Deployment Readiness and Stability and Support Operations. Preplanning for Family assistance to include:
- Family Readiness Groups
- Pre-deployment planning
- Mobilization/deployment support and information
- Post-deployment/mobilization support and training (RESET services)
- Operation Ready (Resources for Educating About Deployment and You)
- Support to unaccompanied Family members evacuated/returned from an overseas area (repatriation assistance)
Family Advocacy Program:
- Victim Advocacy Program
- Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention Program
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
- Exceptional Family Member Program
- Transitional Compensation assistance
- New Parent Support Program
Relocation Readiness Program:
- Relocation counseling
- Pre-arrival information
- Host Nation orientation
- Lending Closet
- Liaison for United Citizen Immigration Services
- Hearts Apart support to Waiting Families
- Sponsorship: Sponsor training of unit sponsorship trainers and/or reactionary sponsors and youth sponsorship.
Employment Readiness Program:
- Information on available local employment opportunities
- Classes and seminars on self-assessment, resume writing, interviewing techniques, dressing for success, networking, and entrepreneurship.
- Resume critiques
- Job fairs and other hiring events.
- Computers with internet access, resume writing software, and typing tutorials
Financial Readiness Program:
- Financial readiness education and training
- Financial counseling services
- Prescreening and counseling for the Family Subsistence
Supplemental Assistance Program
- Debt liquidation assistance
- Army Emergency Relief Agency
Army Emergency Relief
Army Emergency Relief is the U.S. Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress on the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to Active Duty and Retired Soldiers and their Families.
Army Family Action Plan
The Army Family Action Plan is the mechanism for making positive changes to the way the Army operates programs, provides services and sets policies impacting the overall quality of life in the military.
Army Family Team Building
Army Family Team Building empowers you, through self-development and leadership skills, basic Army knowledge and specialized training, to maximize your personal and professional potential.
Army Volunteer Corps
The Army Volunteer Corps provides people interested in gaining experience and recognition for their contributions with volunteer opportunities throughout the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden.
Employment Readiness Program
The Employment Readiness Program provides information and referral service in the areas of employment, education, training, transition and volunteer opportunities to give Soldiers, Retirees and Family members the competitive edge needed to secure employment.
Exceptional Family Member Program
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical and personnel services to families with special needs.
Family Advocacy Program
The Family Advocacy Program provides education, intervention and assistance to prevent family violence and to support strong, self-reliant families and communities. FAP has multiple prevention and education programs and provides services to anyone with installation access.
Financial Readiness Program
The Financial Readiness Program can help with comprehensive educational and counseling programs. Learn about debt, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues.
Mobilization and Deployment
Mobilization and Deployment assists commanders, Soldiers, civilians and family members before, during and after deployment. The Mobilization and Deployment Program provides training, briefings, workshops and resources to prepare Soldiers and family members for deployment readiness.
Relocation Readiness Program
The Relocation Readiness Program supports America’s mobile Army through educational training, guidance and outreach efforts. Available in group and individual settings.
Survivor Outreach Services
Our purpose is to deliver on the Army’s commitment to Families of the Fallen. Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) connects you with people and services that can help you throughout the grieving process.