An official army family and MWR Site

Recreational Shooting

Hone your marksmanship skills during a day at the range


Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation and the Education Program hosts Licensed and Qualifying Shooting at the JMTC Wackernheim Range from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Firearms are available for rent on location. Ranges include handgun (25 meter) plus 100-, 200- and 300-meter rifle ranges. Hearing and eye protection must be worn on all ranges.

Clients new to the Outdoor Recreation Shooting Program must attend a MANDATORY safety briefing held at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. on each range date.

Participants must be age 12 or older accompanied by a parent or legal guardian adult. Ages 12-14 are limited to air rifles and minimum age to shoot a .22 is age 14. Non-DoD associated minors (under age 18) will require a formal request at the garrison commander level (contact Wiesbaden Sports Fitness and Outdoor Recreation for more information regarding minors).

Please note: Military requests take priority, so recreational shooting may be canceled on short notice. Please contact Outdoor Recreation on the Friday before to confirm scheduling.


$10 per person for Hunting, Fishing and Sports Shooting members

$15 per person for non-members

Family Rate: Youths ages 16-17 plus additional family members over the age of 18 pay $8.

Registration Information

Register at the Outdoor Recreation Center on Clay North.