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Kaprun Ski Trip

Enjoy a stay in a four-star hotel and great times on Austrian slopes

Note: This event has already passed.

Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation offers a trip to Kaprun, Austria, -- one of Europe's best known winter sports resorts -- on Feb. 16-19.


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (sign up by Oct. 6): $699 per adult ages 12 and up, $649 for children -- including use of ski or snowboard gear; $649 per adult or $599 for children with own gear.

After Oct. 6 the price is $749 per adult or $699 per child (including use of gear); $699 per adult or $649 per child (with own gear).

Single room supplement is $160 per night.

Price include round-trip transportation to Kaprun and two overnights in a four-star hotel with breakfast.

Bring Euros for meals, purchases and lift tickets.

Registration Information

Sign up at Wiesbaden Outdoor Recreation on Clay North or call civ (0611) 143-548-9801 for more information. Registration deadline is Dec. 11, 2023.