An official army family and MWR Site

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Opening Ceremony

A moment of recognition for those affected by domestic violence

Note: This event has already passed.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Opening Ceremony and Proclamation Signing

Join the ACS Family Advocacy Program and Garrison Wiesbaden Command for the opening ceremony and proclamation signing at Garrison Headquarters Lobby, Bldg. 3340 on North Clay.

This gathering is not only a moment of recognition for those affected by domestic violence but also serves as a platform to extend our deepest gratitude to the first responders, service providers and community members who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and dignity of every individual within our community. 

On Oct. 5, join us for the Domestic Violence Awareness 5K "Purple for Purpose" Fun Run. More details here.



Registration Information

No registration required

Army Community Service (ACS)