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Canoe Trip on the Ginsheimer Altrhein

Join an Outdoor Recreation guide for this "self-drive" water sports adventure

Note: This event has already passed.

This "self-drive" Canoe Trip on the Ginsheimer Altrhein will start and end in Ginsheim and will have an Outdoor Recreation canoe guide/instructor for the entire trip. Participants need only drive to the start location -- Outdoor Recreation staff will transport all of the canoes, personal flotation devices and paddles to the starting point.

Customers must wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions and bring along sunscreen, drinks, snacks and lunch.

*** This canoe trip is open to all levels of paddlers. The Ginsheimer Altrhein is NOT the main Rhein River -- so you don't have to worry about watercraft traffic.


$49 for adults (age 13 and above); $39 for children (ages 12 and under)

Registration Information

Sign up at Outdoor Recreation on Clay North by June 24 for the July 2 canoe trip, or by Sept. 2 for the Sept. 10 trip. Call civ (0611) 143-548-9801 for more information.

Outdoor Recreation