Baby Story Time
Encouraging language development at the library

Jan 23 2025, 10 am - 11 am
Jan 23 2025, 10 am - 11 am
Ever wondered why the caterpillar ate his way through the book? Come to the library to have fun with your little ones.
The Wiesbaden Library hosts Baby Story Time for children up to age 2 every Thursday at 10 a.m.. starting on Jan. 20. Learn about language development and how to read to your child to develop a love of reading.
Along with stories and songs, Baby Story Time will provide information about the stages of reading to your child and how he or she will participate at different age levels.
Just as the caterpiller ate his way through the book and grew, developing into a beautiful butterfly, so will your child!
Registration Information
No advance registration required.
Wiesbaden Library
24/7 Access has resumed
Military DSN (314)548-9821