Military Appreciation Meal
Free meals for our Active Service Members, U.S. & Allied, Veterans and first responders

Mar 11 2025, 11:30 am - 1 pm
Mar 11 2025, 11:30 am - 1 pm
Every 2nd Tuesday* of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., our Active Service Members, U.S. & Allied, Veterans and first responders can enjoy a free meal and an activity during their lunch time. Excellent opportunities for team building. Locations are as follows:
- Aug. 13, Oct. 8, Nov. 5, Jan. 21 (changed from Jan. 14), Feb. 11 - Sports & Fitness Center
- Important Note: Nov. 5 date is the 1st Tuesday of the month. This was changed from Nov. 12 due to Veterans Day Holiday.
- Sept. 24* - Rheinblick Golf Course
- Open to CAC-holding Family Members of eligible attendees (this event only)
- Need verified attendance for eligible attendees NLT 2 weeks prior
- Bus pickup at Warrior Zone at 10:15 for those who have signed up through B.O.S.S.
- For any other Units, Squadrons, Battalion or individuals attending, please contact the CSA Manager NLT Aug. 28 to confirm number of attendees.
- For any Units, Squadrons or Battalions attending that wish to play golf, please make a Golf Course Reservation to secure tee times.
- Dec. 13* - December to Remember 3-5 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Sports & Fitness Center
- Bring the whole family to our special December to Remember Military Appreciation Meal!
- The Red Cross and various MWR programs and private organizations will be providing information tables and activities for families in attendance. Activities include: Photos with Santa and his Elves, a bouncy house, cotton candy, cookie decorating and various crafts.
Registration Information
No reservation required
Wiesbaden Sports and Fitness Center
Military DSN (314) 548-9830
Commercial Sponsorship and Advertising
The Commercial Sponsorship and Advertising Manager is away from the office periodically meeting with clients. Emailing or calling to set up an appointment is the most effective way to meet with the CSA Manager.
Military DSN (314)548-9022
Rheinblick Golf Course
Phone number for Administration is ending in 5482; phone number for Pro Shop/Tee Time is ending in 5485.
Military DSN (314) 548-5485